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Privacy Policy

We guarantee your privacy and on-line shopping safety.

We do not store any credit card information. All billing information is processed by the payment processer ( Using the latest firewall protection, SSL encryption, and proprietary security products, Payfast gives you the peace of mind that only a world-class security infrastructure can provide. Payfast uses proven security practices to ensure network security. 

The private information required for executing the orders placed through the e-commerce facility, namely the User's personal information and credit card details, delivery address and telephone numbers will be kept in the strictest confidence by the Provider and not sold or made known to third parties. Only the necessary information, that is the delivery address and contact phone number will be made known to third parties delivering the product.

The Provider undertakes that it has taken all reasonable precautions to secure the credit card processing that is carried out to receive payment for goods sold. The Provider cannot be held responsible for security breaches occurring on the User's electronic device (Personal Computer or other electronic device used to browse the Website), which may result due to the lack of adequate virus protection software or spyware that the User may inadvertently have installed on his/her device.