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Business Opportunities

Retailers, Entrepreneurs & distributors

If you want to add something creative and proudly South African to your shop, Fantastick wall stickers are just what you are looking for! We have a wide range of high quality products that will satisfy all your customer's wall décor needs and add some creative flair to your shop. We will provide you with samples to put up in your shop as well as posters and catalogues. There is also stand options available to assist you in displaying the Fantastick wall décor range. Our existing shops have seen their sales grow since they started selling Fantastick wall stickers and we also give our resellers and shops exposure on our very popular website which refers visitors to the shops in their areas. 

Please note that you do not have to own a shop to sell Fantastick stickers. We are also looking for partners that can vary from stay at home moms selling part time to distributors selling to shops in their region. If you have what it takes to manage your own business and are passionate about decorating products then please contact us. 

Fantastick is committed to:

  • Providing well packaged, high quality and easy to sell products.
  • Providing point of sale stands to professionally display the product.
  • Being flexible in allowing you to swap products for other products if a particular item is not moving in your market segment.
  • Deliver your orders within 7 working days from payment

Please email us on with your contact information, a brief description of your store, region and target market. 



Interior decorators & designers 

We have quite a few decorators and designers that are offering our products as part of their decorating solution. If you would like to be part of this Fantastick team, please email us on with your contact information, a brief description of your business, region and target market.